Friday 19 December 2014


Four penguins join forces with an undercover organisation, led by a husky (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch), to fight against the evil Dr Octavius (voiced by John Malkovich) before he destroys the world.

In other words…
Great actors attempt career suicide.

The main men and leading ladies…
Let’s be honest, no one was going to go and see this for the four voices of the penguins – otherwise known as the buddies off the Shrek set. No, it was Cumberbatch, Malkovich and perhaps even Ken Jeong who would attract the audience. But unfortunately their brilliance couldn't shine through the pile of poo they’d dived head first into.

In the chair…
Eric Darnell, known for, basically, all the Madagascar films, and Simon J. Smith, known for even less, should be going back to school for a lesson in, umm, well, everything. Hopefully no bonus cheques were paid out for this one.

Imagine a bucket of utter drivel. Now imagine drowning in said bucket of said drivel. That’s what it feels like watching this movie. Right from the start it’s ridiculous. The designers must have produced the ugliest penguins of all time, they aren't likable in any shape or form, are increasingly loud and in your face, and perhaps even more irritating, the new born penguin has an alarmingly adult voice. The dry wit of Cumberbatch and Malkovich was attempted to be written into the script but even they couldn't salvage this slapstick disaster. It was so busy it was as though you’d taken a giant breath at the start and went head first into a whirlwind of idiocy. Fortunately it came to an end eventually but regrettably it won't be long before the next Dreamworks disaster is wheeled out.  

Worth the money?
Do us all a favour and don’t give this movie a penny…it might encourage them to make another one.

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